Know Everything about gardening
These days, more and more people are discovering the joys of playing in the dirt—though grown-ups might prefer the term “gardening.” Food gardening is especially hot, with nearly 20 percent more households hopping on the food-growing train during the past five years. Renewed interest in gardening may be due in part to the local food movement. Locavores are interested in having greater access to healthy, high-quality food, knowing where their food comes from, and supporting the environment and the local economy. Gardening (especially organic gardening) certainly fits the bill! Gardening has also been shown to have significant health benefits. For starters, it encourages people to engage in other behaviors and activities that promote wellnessTrusted Source. For example, gardeners consume more fruits and vegetables than non-gardenersTrusted Source. When gardeners choose to grow food organically, they’re reducing their exposure to pesticides and potentially eating produce with a higher nu...